Musica Musica

Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness [audioregistrazione]

[S.l.] : Virgin Records America, c1995
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Descrizione Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness [audioregistrazione] / The Smashing Pumpkins. - [S.l.] : Virgin Records America, c1995. - 2 CD (2h., 02min., 51sec.) ; 12 cm
DAWN TO DUSK CD [57min., 55sec.]: 1. Mellon collie And The Infinite Sadness; 2. Tonight, Tonight; 3. Jellybelly; 4. Zero; 5. Here Is No Why; 6. Bullet With Butterfly Wings; 7. To Forgive; 8. An Ode To No One; 9. Love; 10. Cupid de Locke; 11. Galápagos; 12. Muzzle; 13. Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans; 14. Take Me Down.. - TWILIGHT TO STARLIGHT CD [1h., 03min., 56sec.] 1. Where Boys Fear To Tread; 2. Bodies; 3. Thirty-three; 4. In The Arms Of Sleep; 5. 1979; 6. Tales Of A Scorched Earth; 7. Thru The Eyes Of Ruby; 8. Stumbleine; 9. X.Y.U.; 10. We Only Come Out At Night; 11. Beautiful; 12. Lily (My One And Only); 13. By Starlight; 14. Farewell And Goodnight.
  • ISBN: 7243 8 40864 2 8
ID scheda 182802
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The Smashing Pumpkins
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